Episode 295

DOGie Style | Episode 295

John Jamingo and the Duchess discuss an action-packed mix of topics ranging from podcast reviews to sports skirmishes. They start with feedback from listeners and address some technical challenges before diving into a fun weekend boxing experience the Duchess had.

The duo then shifts to spotlighting a recent hockey brawl between the USA and Canada that sets the stage for an exciting rematch.

They explore the weekend NASCAR grand highlight featuring Trump's dramatic Daytona flyover and discuss the ramifications of Elon Musk's newly discovered thirteenth child. The episode ends with a humorously shocking moment as they react to a dramatic transformation video.

  • Listener feedback and podcast equipment challenges
  • Contemporary sports brawls: USA vs Canada hockey showdown
  • NASCAR's thrilling Daytona event and Trump's charismatic appearance
  • Elon Musk's personal life spotlight: the revelation of another child
  • A shocking transformation video leaves hosts in disbelief

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Plastique Tiara Transformation: https://x.com/Dyccumental/status/1891562330925699434

Speaker A:

All right, you guys, podcast time.

Speaker A:

We got the equipment and the perfect business plan.

Speaker A:

Give our show away for free and tell no one how to find it.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I'm gonna start a podcast that has no focus and it'll take up an inordinate amount of time.

Speaker A:

Hey, everybody.

Speaker A:

Welcome into the Boomer bunker.

Speaker A:

I'm one of your hosts, John Domingo, and alongside of me is my partner in crime, my ride or die, my north pointing compass.

Speaker A:

Ladies and gentlemen, it's the Duchess.

Speaker B:

Good evening.

Speaker B:

How are you?

Speaker A:

Well, I'll tell you what, I'm fired up out of a cannon today.

Speaker A:

Dude, I, I, I'm duding you already.

Speaker A:

Sorry, I didn't mean to.

Speaker A:

Dude, you a dude.

Speaker A:

Dude, I'm telling you, that song was, it was kicking.

Speaker A:

That song, as the kids say, that song was slapping.

Speaker A:

And the thing is, is that I think it slaps.

Speaker A:

The thing is, I was singing that.

Speaker A:

Like, I was, I played it and all of a sudden I'm like, what am I singing?

Speaker A:

Oh, my God.

Speaker A:

I'm singing that stupid.

Speaker A:

It is AI generated.

Speaker A:

That is an AI generated song, and I 100% love it.

Speaker A:

I, I'm sorry, I can't get enough of it.

Speaker A:

Because that's kind of what.

Speaker A:

Yeah, Duchess is my guidance star, is what Louise says sometimes, you know, she tries.

Speaker A:

She tries to keep me within the velvet ropes.

Speaker B:

I try.

Speaker A:

But not only.

Speaker B:

I only do what I can, I can only do.

Speaker A:

There's only so much you can do with a jamingo.

Speaker A:

Cause sometimes he breaks free.

Speaker A:

Anyhow, I wanted to start off the show because, look, this podcast here is me, you know, and Duchess, and we collaborate on what we're gonna talk about.

Speaker A:

And it's politically motivated, and it has also social topics that we dive into.

Speaker A:

But there's so much going on in the political sphere.

Speaker A:

How can you not talk about this?

Speaker A:

In my humble opinion, not only right, not only do I host the show, run the show, but I'm also producing behind the scenes.

Speaker A:

I get it.

Speaker A:

There's a lot of mistakes here.

Speaker A:

I get it, I get it.

Speaker B:

That's what makes us an enjoyable show.

Speaker B:

Well, because it's.

Speaker B:

People are, it's relatable.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker B:

Nobody's perfect.

Speaker A:

Now, here's the thing.

Speaker A:

You can get a thousand compliments and you don't really pay attention to it, but if you get one bad review or one thing that sticks in your crawl.

Speaker A:

And then I had one today that I saw.

Speaker A:

It was a YouTube comment.

Speaker A:

I'm going to start the show off with this because, first of all, I love our audience Our audience that comes in here, they chat with us.

Speaker A:

They are part of the show.

Speaker B:

The best.

Speaker A:

Love every minute of it.

Speaker A:

But someone must have stumbled across us, and they're probably from the dabble verse.

Speaker A:

I would think so.

Speaker A:

Here it is.

Speaker A:

Here's the YouTube content comment.

Speaker A:

Now, Duchess, would you read this for me?

Speaker B:

I can.

Speaker B:

From El Fondral.

Speaker B:

I'm not even sure what that is.

Speaker B:

It says.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I'm not too sure what the hell this even is.

Speaker B:

I'm sure Carl and the gang will be here soon.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Watp future episode incoming.

Speaker A:

Okay, now, here's the deal.

Speaker A:

I understand that, you know, Carl goes around and he does.

Speaker A:

You know, he.

Speaker A:

He takes shows, and he either.

Speaker A:

I guess he.

Speaker A:

Well, you say he.

Speaker B:

Oh, that's his job.

Speaker A:

That his show is to take a podcast and critique it, of course.

Speaker A:

To roast it or whatever.

Speaker B:

It's totally roasted.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I've known Carl for a long time.

Speaker A:

Known of Carl for a long time.

Speaker B:

He was on your Goodbye.

Speaker B:

When you were doing the Rubberneckers roundup there.

Speaker A:

He was on a.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He was also on an episode of Rubberneckers.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I have a lot of.

Speaker A:

Lot of respect for Carl.

Speaker A:

We've had our issues, and, of course, shocking.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Not with you, John.

Speaker A:

No way.

Speaker A:

And it was mostly my fault.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

But, you know, one thing about, you know, podcasting and making mistakes, you learn from these mistakes.

Speaker A:

So I'm not afraid of a Watp review of this show.

Speaker A:

I'm not afraid of it, Duchess.

Speaker A:

On the other hand, terrified.

Speaker B:

I'm getting better.

Speaker A:

Just terrified of the show.

Speaker A:

And it's hard because women and men are so much different.

Speaker A:

Like, men, we've been forged in fire.

Speaker A:

You know, iron makes iron sharper.

Speaker A:

Steel makes steel sharper.

Speaker A:

Women, you have to handle with kid gloves, you cannot talk to a woman like you talk to a man.

Speaker A:

They can't really handle it.

Speaker A:

And I'm just saying that because I see when people talk to men.

Speaker A:

But if you try to say something to a woman as a constructive criticism, you really have to soften the blow.

Speaker A:

You can't go at a woman like you can a guy.

Speaker A:

Would you agree or disagree?

Speaker B:

I think it depends on the person.

Speaker B:

I think it depends on the personality and the relationship you have.

Speaker B:

Like, can you walk up to a coworker in a professional environment and talk to her?

Speaker B:

I'll say her as like you're talking to your buddies at a bar.

Speaker B:

Probably not, right?

Speaker B:

But if you're out of the office, depending on the relationship you have, I think you and I can talk about Some tougher topics.

Speaker B:

I don't normally melt down.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

Is our mics going fuzzy?

Speaker B:

I feel like I hear fuzzy static.

Speaker A:

I don't hear any fuzzy static.

Speaker A:

Anybody hearing fuzzy static?

Speaker A:

Bob says he hears fuzzy static.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Like, mine goes.

Speaker B:

Mine was going.

Speaker B:

I thought it was just.

Speaker B:

We'll just keep going.

Speaker A:

Let me just drop.

Speaker A:

Maybe you're.

Speaker A:

Maybe you're too hot, and maybe I just dropped your.

Speaker A:

You know what?

Speaker A:

That's here.

Speaker B:

That was you.

Speaker A:

So it's not.

Speaker A:

Hang on one second.

Speaker B:

It happened when you were talking.

Speaker A:

It happened when I was talking.

Speaker A:

How dare you.

Speaker A:

I don't know what to say again.

Speaker A:

I have the new mixer.

Speaker A:

I have the.

Speaker A:

The new duo mixer, and I thought.

Speaker B:

I said just fine.

Speaker A:

See, These are things that drive me insane.

Speaker A:

These are the things that drive me insane.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

It just happened again.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

Let me see something here.

Speaker A:

Let me see what I got here.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

All right, let's drop this down.

Speaker A:

Let's drop this down a tad.

Speaker A:

Just a tad.

Speaker A:

Maybe I'm a little hot.

Speaker A:

Maybe I'm a little hot.

Speaker A:

There we go.

Speaker A:

Let's try that and see if that makes it any better.

Speaker B:

We'll keep going.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

But there are times, Dutchess, when I have to tell you something that is a critique or.

Speaker A:

And I know that I have.

Speaker A:

I have to.

Speaker A:

I don't come at you like I would come at Bob because you yell at Bob.

Speaker B:

That was like.

Speaker B:

That's your relationship with Bob.

Speaker A:

The other day, I yelled at you, and I woke up, and I was like, oh, my God.

Speaker A:

I yelled at Duchess, and I had to immediately.

Speaker B:

I yelled back at you, if you remember.

Speaker A:

I don't remember much.

Speaker A:

Much of anything you do.

Speaker B:

I did not cut up with your.

Speaker A:

I was.

Speaker A:

No, that's fine.

Speaker A:

I can handle you.

Speaker B:

It's not like I let you.

Speaker B:

Well, I finally just let you get it out of your system.

Speaker B:

But I was not thrilled with your call, and I certainly told you that.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I can handle you yelling at me.

Speaker A:

I can handle that.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I don't.

Speaker A:

But I never want to do.

Speaker A:

I don't want to yell at you, because I feel sometimes, and this is from years and years of experience dealing with women, that they do not like it.

Speaker B:

That worked out well for you.

Speaker A:

They do not like it.

Speaker B:

It's really.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Hold on.

Speaker A:

I just hit that again.

Speaker A:

So anyhow.

Speaker A:

But, you know, I love it when we get reviews.

Speaker A:

We also got a text.

Speaker A:

Oh, a text.

Speaker B:

A text.

Speaker A:

A text.

Speaker A:

Here it is.

Speaker A:

Ben Affleck's Dunkin Deal is a great deal, but it gives me some really, really nasty shits.

Speaker A:

That sausage is no joke.

Speaker B:

You're fuzzy.

Speaker A:

I'm still fuzzy.

Speaker B:

You fuzzed in the middle of that?

Speaker A:

Yeah, I'm fuzzed in the mountain.

Speaker A:

We're just gonna have to deal with this.

Speaker A:

You're gonna have to deal with my fuzziness because I don't know what else to do right now.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

I have to go back and try to see where this fuzziness I have to list.

Speaker A:

I can't hear it because it's not fuzzy in here.

Speaker A:

It's fuzzy.

Speaker A:

All right, hold on one second.

Speaker A:

Excuse me, folks, while I check something out.

Speaker B:

Whip this out.

Speaker B:

Oh, and he's gone.

Speaker B:

So Aaron says, equal rights, equal fights.

Speaker B:

I'm okay with that.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I think John and I are able to have discussion.

Speaker A:

You know, I'm going into my settings, my audio settings to see what this is.

Speaker A:

What's going on?

Speaker B:

Everything Joaquin says, the fucking Zenith.

Speaker A:

The fucking Zenith.

Speaker B:

Did you punch it?

Speaker A:

I didn't punch it.

Speaker A:

I did not punch it.

Speaker A:

Maybe you should let me try something different.

Speaker B:

Says, sounds like you're electrocuting a squirrel.

Speaker A:

Jesus, that's terrible.

Speaker B:

Well, it makes a little, like, Z sound, so there you go.

Speaker B:

Bruce says it happened again, but professionals just roll.

Speaker B:

So we'll just roll.

Speaker B:

Let's just roll.

Speaker A:

When I put this out, when this thing's recorded, it won't sound like this because it's actually.

Speaker A:

It's going into the Zenith.

Speaker A:

Coming out of the Zenith seems to be a problem.

Speaker A:

I just did was.

Speaker A:

I switched channels.

Speaker A:

See if that works.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I don't know what else to do.

Speaker B:

That's okay.

Speaker B:

We're going to keep going.

Speaker A:

So anyhow, like I said, this is tough because it's so.

Speaker B:

You have to talk to me like I'm special.

Speaker B:

Special needs.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

You just did it there.

Speaker A:

You just did that right there.

Speaker A:

That's not what I said.

Speaker A:

It's not what I said.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Then explain to me how you said special to women.

Speaker A:

What I do is.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I don't talk to you like you're a window licker.

Speaker A:

I talk to you like.

Speaker A:

I soften my tone with you as I try to explain to you the issue of the.

Speaker A:

The moment, whatever that is.

Speaker A:

It doesn't happen a lot.

Speaker A:

And to your credit, you do take constructive criticism well.

Speaker A:

Yes, you do.

Speaker B:

Because I'm not a bitch baby.

Speaker B:

So, like.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

But there are to go, like.

Speaker B:

Well, you know, we had a little issue.

Speaker B:

You can just say blah, you know, I mean, if you just call me up and scream at me.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Like the other night when I'm working out of a sound sleep.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That was so great that the first response was, I'm going to call her and scream at her.

Speaker B:

I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm just going to yell at her.

Speaker A:

I was trying to figure it out.

Speaker B:

I feel better.

Speaker A:

And I wasn't yelling at you.

Speaker A:

I was yelling, just yelling towards you.

Speaker A:

I wasn't yelling at you.

Speaker A:

New bit.

Speaker A:

Mansplaining with Jamingo.

Speaker A:

Thank you.

Speaker A:

That's what we're going to do.

Speaker A:

Speaking of new bits.

Speaker B:

Mansplaining with the Duchess.

Speaker A:

Mansplaining with the Duchess.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Speaking of new bits.

Speaker A:

So anyhow, one of the things that I.

Speaker A:

That I don't really ever check reviews, I know a lot of people say, could you please go to whatever, YouTube, Spotify, give us a five star review, go to our website, boomerbunker.com, there's a spot for reviews.

Speaker A:

You can leave a review there.

Speaker A:

I never ask, right?

Speaker A:

But I did go and check.

Speaker A:

Here's an amazing review which I would like the Duchess to read, if you don't mind.

Speaker B:

No, not at all.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's titled Live, Listen, Learn and Love.

Speaker B:

Listening to the Boomer bunker over the past several months has given me an increased sense of confidence that I've lacked.

Speaker B:

Since listening, I've lost not only my lisp, but my hump.

Speaker B:

It's given me what Native Americans call e hosen, holy thinking for balance and harmony within the natural order.

Speaker B:

That's what hosts John and the Duchess bring a sense of Ihosen John with his elevator stories and Duchess with her naitivity towards the moon landing.

Speaker B:

Engage your spiritual clarity and awareness and listen to the Boomer Bunker.

Speaker B:

Don't be a pussy.

Speaker B:

I don't even want to attempt to.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

That's why I let you read it, because I didn't know how to say that word.

Speaker B:

We're just skipping that word.

Speaker A:

I thought I was gonna.

Speaker A:

I was like, you know, but I love that.

Speaker A:

Thank you, but.

Speaker A:

And you know something?

Speaker A:

I'll tell you one thing, like I said, just the fans that we have here, Bud Vugger, Bruce, Louise, all, you know, Sparky, Toaster Bob, everybody that comes in here.

Speaker A:

I love the fact that you guys come in here and there's everybody.

Speaker A:

Everybody that comes in.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I don't want to name them all because I don't remember them all, but.

Speaker B:

Joaquin has a review.

Speaker B:

Great show.

Speaker B:

Shitty equipment.

Speaker A:

There you go.

Speaker A:

Thank you.

Speaker B:

You're the best.

Speaker A:

Also, Bruce.

Speaker A:

Bruce left one.

Speaker A:

Jamiko and the Duchesses takes their current.

Speaker A:

Takes the current issues of the day and puts their spin on world captivating instead of rotating.

Speaker A:

Hilarious, unabashed and irrelevant.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

God damn it.

Speaker A:

They speak my language.

Speaker A:

I love this show.

Speaker A:

See, these are the things that I like.

Speaker A:

I appreciate that.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Thank you.

Speaker A:

So you know, you every once in a while.

Speaker A:

What did I just do?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I'm trying to get rid of stuff here.

Speaker A:

As I'm going.

Speaker A:

I'm producing on the fly and I want to.

Speaker A:

I almost shot Duchess of the studio.

Speaker B:

I'll be like, well, that's honest.

Speaker A:

That's honest.

Speaker B:

I guess.

Speaker B:

Treating me just like mom.

Speaker A:

With my fuzzy audio.

Speaker B:

Well, it.

Speaker B:

Knock wood.

Speaker A:

Let me try this.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

No, don't change anything.

Speaker A:

Don't go changing to try to fix this in the middle of.

Speaker B:

Oh, Aaron.

Speaker B:

You're not chopped liver.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Aaron's another one.

Speaker A:

See, that's why I don't like naming names.

Speaker B:

I know.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

You're expecting John to remember everybody.

Speaker A:

I can barely remember me.

Speaker B:

I have a nickname.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

All right, so Duchess.

Speaker A:

I heard you were.

Speaker A:

You tried a new skill this weekend.

Speaker A:

I gotta hear all about this.

Speaker B:

It was a lot of fun.

Speaker B:

I had seen it through a Facebook group that there's a free week at a local boxing studio near me.

Speaker B:

And they had what was called cardio boxing.

Speaker B:

And it was.

Speaker B:

It's a one hour class.

Speaker B:

I was like, well, it's high intensity, you know, whatever, blah, blah.

Speaker B:

And I said, well, I'll give it a shot.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I think I'm in decent enough shape.

Speaker B:

I can try it.

Speaker B:

And boxing has.

Speaker B:

I knew that place had opened and I was interested in it for a while.

Speaker B:

And this like, the schedules aligned, you know, so I get down there, Saturday morning, walk in, don't know soul, don't know anybody.

Speaker B:

We go in.

Speaker B:

They get me set up on boxing gloves, which reminded me of like getting bowling shoes.

Speaker B:

But you get boxing gloves because they're like somebody else.

Speaker B:

They're just, you know, gloves they have in the back.

Speaker B:

They clean.

Speaker B:

They clean them.

Speaker B:

But it's like.

Speaker B:

So I get my gloves on and we start and we go.

Speaker B:

It's in a circuit.

Speaker B:

So it's like one minute and they have probably half a dozen of the bags just hanging.

Speaker A:

Heavy bags or the.

Speaker B:

Yeah, no, it was actually the.

Speaker B:

It wasn't the.

Speaker A:

Wasn't the speed bags.

Speaker B:

Wasn't the speed bags.

Speaker B:

Thank you.

Speaker B:

It was the actual punching bag, which are harder than I thought.

Speaker B:

It's like punching a bag of sand, I guess, which is really what it is.

Speaker B:

So it was challenging.

Speaker B:

So they had a pattern above each one.

Speaker B:

They had a different patterns, but I didn't know what the pattern stood for.

Speaker B:

So the woman that was next to me kind of was helping me a little bit.

Speaker B:

She's like, just hit the bags.

Speaker B:

So I'm hitting the bags and then, you know, a minute and I hit the next bag.

Speaker B:

So I'm going down the line, and then I end up in the ring with the instructor, who's very nice.

Speaker B:

I had a chance to chat with him before, so he's.

Speaker B:

He's got the pads up and he's telling me hit.

Speaker B:

So I'm.

Speaker B:

I'm punching them.

Speaker B:

And it was like a minute, and then I was out doing.

Speaker B:

Then it was out strength conditioning and then background for another circuit.

Speaker B:

And it was.

Speaker B:

It was a lot of fun.

Speaker B:

By the end, my arms, my shoulders were like, oh, I'm a little uncomfortable, I think.

Speaker B:

So I took Motrin, like, as soon as I got out in the car, did my shopping, and then I came home and I'm like, I'm gonna think I'm gonna pay for this later.

Speaker B:

I was good the next day, Sunday.

Speaker B:

And then when I woke up this morning, I went to the gym, did.

Speaker B:

I did my shoulder routine, which was a struggle.

Speaker B:

And then I do.

Speaker B:

I did dumbbells, and then I had a barbell, and then I did dumbbells.

Speaker B:

And when I went to hammer curl, which is basically you just hold them and just lift them, my forearms were like, the.

Speaker B:

You are.

Speaker B:

And I was like, okay, I'm not doing these sets today.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

But it was.

Speaker B:

It was a lot of fun.

Speaker B:

The instructor said, I did a decent job.

Speaker B:

He says, you hung in there.

Speaker B:

My heart rate was up.

Speaker B:

It was definitely.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's probably the most intense activity I'd done in a while with that high.

Speaker B:

You know, was it the high intensity interval training?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Hiit training.

Speaker B:

So I have another class on Wednesday.

Speaker A:

Oh, my God.

Speaker A:

I would love it.

Speaker A:

I would love it if, like, maybe your daughter would come over there and videotape you doing this, because I would love.

Speaker B:

Oh, it's messy.

Speaker B:

It was not.

Speaker A:

I would love to put it to the Rocky music.

Speaker B:

I need more than two classes, I think.

Speaker B:

But it was.

Speaker B:

It was definitely fun.

Speaker B:

And I think it's.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It piqued my interest and the bonuses.

Speaker B:

He says, you know, the guys, the.

Speaker B:

The owner of the gym, who I was training with and spoke with afterwards, had said, you know, the gym's 24 hours.

Speaker B:

They give you a passcode.

Speaker B:

So when you come in when you want.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And they, they set up a training exercise on the, on TVs they have there.

Speaker B:

So when you log in and you press go, your program comes up and they, you do your training with a computer program that's just broadcast on the TV screens and they have the bags have a monitor on it.

Speaker B:

So it tells like it can tell how hard you're hitting and the intensities and all that.

Speaker B:

Which I thought, well, that's kind of cool.

Speaker B:

So I might do a few months, just.

Speaker A:

I would love to see, I would love to have video of this.

Speaker B:

Well, I want to work my upper arms better because I got my wings.

Speaker A:

Listen, I think it's, I think it's fantastic.

Speaker A:

It's a great idea.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we'll see.

Speaker A:

You know, there was in the gym that I used to go to, they had a heavy bag.

Speaker A:

And the first time you go to hit a heavy bag, you think you're just going to go up there and maul it and.

Speaker B:

No, no, it's like punching a soft wall.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's.

Speaker A:

It's tough.

Speaker A:

It's tough.

Speaker A:

But I'm glad to see you getting out there and getting in shape.

Speaker A:

That's great.

Speaker A:

And if I get any more of those YouTube comments, I'll go get them for you.

Speaker A:

I'm gonna, I'm gonna sick the Duchess on you.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I'll be hopefully in Michigan in July.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Any issues?

Speaker A:

That's true.

Speaker A:

Well, I don't know.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I don't know if you noticed, but there was a hockey contest over the weekend, USA versus Canada.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And apparently Canadians aren't too happy with the United States.

Speaker A:

So they were playing the, the national anthem of the United States and Canada Buddhists.

Speaker A:

So this is how it went down.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Let me get.

Speaker A:

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I meant to share my screen.

Speaker A:

I can see it, but you guys can't.

Speaker A:

Here we go.

Speaker A:

So here we go.

Speaker A:

Here's singing the national anthem.

Speaker A:

Say can you see by the dawn's early light.

Speaker A:

Listen to those booze.

Speaker A:

So now they dropped the puck.

Speaker A:

It's the face.

Speaker A:

They just dropped the puck.

Speaker A:

And the USA players are like, fuck you, Canadians.

Speaker A:

And they drop the gloves.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Like as soon as it's dark.

Speaker A:

Matthew Kachuk and Brandon Hagel do it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, hit him.

Speaker B:

Screw them.

Speaker B:

Yeah, the Americans got better punches than.

Speaker A:

For sure, Tachuk from Florida.

Speaker A:

I did not see this coming.

Speaker A:

This was set.

Speaker A:

Here they come right here.

Speaker A:

So then they dropped the puck Again, right before the first Kachak fight, this was set up.

Speaker A:

Here you go.

Speaker B:

Next one.

Speaker A:

There's the next one.

Speaker A:

This is kind of like with west side Story, where they tie each other's wrists because they grab each other's jersey and they just use one hand and whale on each other.

Speaker B:

Yeah, well, they can't go anywhere because they're holding on, but they can only got the one hand to punch, so.

Speaker A:

Yeah, so they're just wailing on each other.

Speaker A:

Bennett in the lineup for the first time.

Speaker B:

There you go.

Speaker A:

And once they go down, they break it up.

Speaker A:

So now they drop the puck and the US Makes a rush towards the goal.

Speaker A:

Brady gets the better.

Speaker A:

Now we're nine seconds in.

Speaker B:

Nine seconds in.

Speaker A:

Two seconds in.

Speaker A:

Another one.

Speaker A:

One second later.

Speaker A:

Now, in the center of the action is Pareco and J.T.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Come on, buddy.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Pereco's got a big size advantage.

Speaker A:

Miller's a tough dude.

Speaker A:

Hey, this is like:

Speaker B:

All right?

Speaker B:

So for people listening, we're beating the.

Speaker B:

Out of the Canadians.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

On ice.

Speaker A:

So here's my point.

Speaker A:

Um, I don't like fighting in hockey.

Speaker A:

I really don't like the fighting in hockey.

Speaker A:

I know that.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I don't like it.

Speaker A:

First of all, why.

Speaker B:

Okay, go ahead.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I mean, in hockey, the puck's hard.

Speaker A:

They've got helmets on.

Speaker A:

You know, they get, they, they.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Most of them don't have any teeth because their teeth get knocked down.

Speaker A:

All this shit.

Speaker A:

And now they're going to beat the shit out of each other.

Speaker A:

I mean, could you imagine this going on in the NBA or the NFL or.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

You know, even in baseball, the fights that happen there, it's not like this.

Speaker A:

Like, they don't just let them fight.

Speaker A:

They don't just let them grab each other's jersey and beat the dogs.

Speaker B:

This is the only.

Speaker B:

This is the only sport I've seen that allows them to hit each other.

Speaker B:

But I think the refs don't want to get in the middle of it.

Speaker A:

Well, they let it go.

Speaker B:

Tired out a little bit.

Speaker A:

And then unless it goes on as soon as they get to the ice.

Speaker A:

As soon as they go to the ice.

Speaker A:

Here's the other thing.

Speaker A:

They've got sharp skates.

Speaker A:

You know, the one guy.

Speaker A:

They can cut each other.

Speaker A:

I mean, I just.

Speaker A:

I'm sorry, but it's not.

Speaker A:

It's not fighting.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

It's not.

Speaker B:

That's what we do.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

I just.

Speaker A:

I don't, you know, I don't believe in it the same thing with auto racing.

Speaker A:

I've been in this pits plenty of times when guys wreck another guy and, you know, then they come down to your pit and they want to fight the driver.

Speaker A:

And then you're in a.

Speaker A:

Now the two crew crews are in a scuffle over this bullshit.

Speaker A:

It's not what it's about.

Speaker A:

But then afterwards.

Speaker A:

Oh, how about I go to where.

Speaker B:

It'S actually at and Bob says this should be encouraged in ladies volleyball.

Speaker A:

Yeah, let the ladies beat the shit out.

Speaker B:

Oh, it's a whole other story there.

Speaker A:

Okay, yeah, that's a fine.

Speaker A:

That's fine.

Speaker B:

Then you'll tune it then it's all.

Speaker A:

Good as long as the tops get.

Speaker A:

Just rip the tops off.

Speaker B:

There you go.

Speaker A:

There you go.

Speaker A:

All right, so this is the afterwards.

Speaker A:

This is the United States.

Speaker A:

The coach in the press conference.

Speaker A:

Here we go.

Speaker A:

Mike, I'm just curious what you thought the three fights off the opening couple of face offs did in terms of setting the tone and message for your team.

Speaker C:

Look, President Trump called us in the locker room before the game.

Speaker C:

He said he'd be watching from the White House and that he wanted to see us feed those dirty Canucks some knuckle sandwiches before he feeds them some tariffs next month.

Speaker C:

That fired us up and we knew it was our duty to drop the gloves.

Speaker C:

Those goddamn Patriot Tachuk brothers answered the call.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

miller jumped in the mix, too.

Speaker C:

We dusted those moose humping Esk Mo bastards in all three fights.

Speaker C:

And then we turned around and proceeded to Curb stomp from 3:1 in the actual game.

Speaker C:

You know, hockey was the one thing Canada used to have on us, but after that beat down tonight, they might as well become the 51st state.

Speaker C:

Anyway, see you guys in the mic.

Speaker A:

I'm just.

Speaker B:

All right, so I heard this because I dropped this one in the discord for.

Speaker B:

With you.

Speaker B:

And I.

Speaker B:

And I.

Speaker B:

For the first few seconds, I was like, oh, okay.

Speaker B:

And then it went on.

Speaker B:

I was like, oh, this has to be fake, because I wasn't watching his lips when I was listening.

Speaker B:

I was like, holy.

Speaker A:

Now, here's the thing.

Speaker A:

There's Thursday night, these team.

Speaker A:

Two teams meet again in the finals.

Speaker B:

I know.

Speaker B:

I can't wait.

Speaker A:

Oh, no.

Speaker A:

This volleyball fight invaded my chocolate pudding pool party.

Speaker B:

Oh, no, I hate when that happens.

Speaker A:

I hate when that happens.

Speaker B:

It's like in stripes, right, with the mud fight.

Speaker A:

So Thursday night they're going to be playing again.

Speaker A:

And listen, I'm not a.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I'm not a hockey fan.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

They're playing in Boston I don't know.

Speaker A:

I don't know enough America, so.

Speaker A:

Oh, America.

Speaker A:

Oh, boy, this will be fun.

Speaker A:

So this.

Speaker B:

I wonder if they'll boo the Canadian anthem.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

If they were in Philadelphia, they certainly would.

Speaker B:

In Philadelphia, they get hit by frozen batteries.

Speaker A:

That's if they'd be getting the D batters, the D batters would be coming out.

Speaker A:

All right, so then this weekend, NASCAR, it's the Daytona 500, or like.

Speaker A:

Like I like to call the Daytona Demolition Derby.

Speaker B:

It's been a busy sports weekend.

Speaker A:

It's been a sports weekend.

Speaker A:

And Trump goes to the race.

Speaker A:

Yeah, and Trump just doesn't go to the race.

Speaker B:

Has everybody seen that now, like, the heads have seen that clip.

Speaker A:

Oh, here's Trump doing a flyover with Air Force One, 800ft off the deck, right over the place went insane.

Speaker A:

Here he comes.

Speaker B:

It's strange.

Speaker A:

I'm your.

Speaker A:

Here's your favorite President flying over 800ft off the deck.

Speaker A:

Get ready.

Speaker A:

I'm coming.

Speaker B:

Banks asked.

Speaker A:

Bringing the Beast.

Speaker A:

Going to be leading the pack.

Speaker B:

They banks it.

Speaker A:

It's pretty.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

It over.

Speaker A:

I mean, it's.

Speaker B:

I'm flying it at this point.

Speaker B:

Give me the wheel.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I'm thinking controls get out the way.

Speaker A:

So then, here's the Beast.

Speaker A:

Here's the Beast leading the pace lap.

Speaker B:

I'm sorry.

Speaker B:

I think that's fucking awesome.

Speaker B:

I'd have been thrilled if any president did that, by the way, because that's really fucking cool.

Speaker A:

So here he is.

Speaker B:

He's in, like, nascar.

Speaker A:

He's in the Beast.

Speaker A:

He's in the limousine.

Speaker A:

He's got his granddaughter with him, and he's riding around.

Speaker B:

How cute, by the way.

Speaker B:

She's such a cute.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

And NASCAR says, okay, Mr.

Speaker A:

President, you're on the main channel.

Speaker A:

You can talk to the drivers.

Speaker A:

I love this.

Speaker A:

This is your favorite president.

Speaker A:

I'm a big fan.

Speaker A:

I am a really big fan of you people that you do this.

Speaker A:

You people.

Speaker A:

I'm big fan of you people.

Speaker A:

I hear it's mostly white, but there's one black guy in here.

Speaker A:

I think his name is Bubba.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

But I just want you to be safe.

Speaker A:

You're talented people, and you're great people and great Americans.

Speaker A:

Have a good day.

Speaker A:

Have a lot of fun, and I'll see you later.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

He sounds drunk.

Speaker A:

So he.

Speaker A:

So he leaves.

Speaker B:

Sounds drunk there, like.

Speaker A:

Well, you know, he doesn't drink, so it's.

Speaker A:

It's not.

Speaker A:

He's not.

Speaker B:

I know, but he.

Speaker B:

He sounded impaired.

Speaker A:

Sounds impaired.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So now there's a big rain delay, which I hate about nascar.

Speaker A:

And so later that night I tune in with like 35 laps to go.

Speaker A:

And you know there's going to be a big accident near the end because every.

Speaker A:

There's 40 something cars out there and they all want to get to the front.

Speaker A:

There's not enough room.

Speaker A:

So here comes.

Speaker A:

I think this was like six laps to go and all hell breaks loose.

Speaker A:

Hamlin and Bell for this front of the wall.

Speaker A:

And up in the air goes Ryan Priest and for the second time in his career, he is flipping at Daytona.

Speaker A:

Good grief.

Speaker A:

Off the front bumper.

Speaker A:

We were talking about a lap before Custer got to his bumper.

Speaker B:

That thing went side to side and.

Speaker A:

He couldn't hold onto it.

Speaker A:

It was one too many.

Speaker B:

That car okay?

Speaker A:

Yeah, driver's okay.

Speaker A:

But then what happens?

Speaker A:

It takes a long time to clean this up.

Speaker A:

So now they've got the in car camera.

Speaker A:

From this camera you see this accident from like 20 different angles.

Speaker A:

And I want to see.

Speaker A:

So now you see the driver, he takes the thing down.

Speaker A:

I was hoping that they, they went over it again, but I don't think they do.

Speaker A:

Let me see if I can scrub ahead to see if they now.

Speaker A:

They don't.

Speaker A:

But I mean that's what.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

What's crazy about the Daytona 500.

Speaker A:

It's just they never near the end.

Speaker A:

I think it took.

Speaker A:

They crashed again.

Speaker A:

And then they had a green white checker and at the green, at the white flag, they crashed again.

Speaker A:

It was like three crashes.

Speaker A:

It was crazy.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Well, that wasn't there one that kind of.

Speaker B:

Ricky Bobby flipped like it was like.

Speaker A:

I didn't see that.

Speaker A:

This was the only one I saw flip.

Speaker B:

No one else racing without thinking of Ricky Bobby.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I don't watch car racing.

Speaker B:

I will watch this last minute bit stuff like the last 20 minutes of the mat race, whatever.

Speaker B:

I only watch.

Speaker B:

It's like hockey.

Speaker B:

I only watch it for.

Speaker B:

I mean, I don't want anybody to die, but I do love watching the cars flip.

Speaker B:

That's amazing.

Speaker B:

That's cars go airborne.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

It's amazing.

Speaker B:

Oh, I have a request here.

Speaker B:

Hang on.

Speaker B:

Oh, Dean said Air Force One plane ever never crashed.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So I do have some Trump tweets.

Speaker A:

Should we do the Trump tweets now?

Speaker B:

I do want to say Sparky said that the.

Speaker B:

It was not Trump's voice and that that he said the NASCAR frequency would not penetrate the beast.

Speaker B:

So NASCAR faked Trump's voice.

Speaker A:

Are you kidding me?

Speaker B:

Doesn't sound like Trump.

Speaker A:

I didn't know that.

Speaker A:

Well, you know that, that, that I'm.

Speaker A:

That's right.

Speaker A:

The Beast has a thing where you can't have radio.

Speaker B:

Like, they can't trigger all in, though.

Speaker B:

Like, you get it.

Speaker B:

Like, wouldn't you be able to call phone?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

Says shame on Trump for not saying if you're not first, you're last.

Speaker B:

I love that stuff so much.

Speaker B:

What does that even mean?

Speaker B:

You could be second, you could be third.

Speaker B:

I was high.

Speaker B:

Such a great movie.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker A:

No, I'm just saying we got to get into it.

Speaker A:

Here we go.

Speaker A:

The tweets.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

She's the king.

Speaker A:

All right, here we go.

Speaker A:

First tweet.

Speaker B:

Oh, dear.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Doge has found massive amounts of fraud, waste, incompetence, and abuse.

Speaker B:

But even knowing this, a highly political activist judge wants us to immediately make payment anyway.

Speaker B:

In other words, pay.

Speaker B:

Even though, you know, paid payment was fraudulently requested to be made.

Speaker B:

Doge caught them.

Speaker B:

The judge just doesn't care.

Speaker B:

It doesn't make sense.

Speaker B:

God, they're terrible.

Speaker A:

All right, got one more.

Speaker A:

Got one more for you.

Speaker A:

Here we go.

Speaker A:

It's a short one.

Speaker A:

This is easy.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

For Doge.

Speaker B:

Looks like the radical left.

Speaker B:

Reuters was paid $9 million.

Speaker B:

Nine million to.

Speaker B:

By the Department of Defense to study large scale social deception.

Speaker B:

Give back the money now.

Speaker A:

I want the money back.

Speaker A:

We're gonna call that money back today in Washington, a bunch of nitwits.

Speaker A:

Not Washington, Chicago.

Speaker A:

They're all out there and they're protesting Trump and Doge going into the.

Speaker A:

And going in and finding all this money that they're misusing, misappropriating.

Speaker A:

And, and they're.

Speaker A:

I'm like, so you're four.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Are you for them sending this money all out, wasting your taxpayer dollars or just not Trump?

Speaker B:

It's anti Trump.

Speaker B:

It doesn't matter.

Speaker A:

I mean, it's ridiculous.

Speaker B:

Whatever he finds they're against, which is insane.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

I, I just, I don't understand it.

Speaker A:

I really don't understand people when they sit there and they're out and they're protesting this.

Speaker A:

I'm like, are you just.

Speaker A:

Are you protesting that they found it or you're protest.

Speaker A:

I don't understand what you're protesting.

Speaker A:

Like, I'm ecstatic.

Speaker A:

I love the fact.

Speaker A:

And everybody's like, you know what?

Speaker A:

When you retire, when you get your Social Security and he takes his security away and they're lying, lie.

Speaker A:

There's like, he's taking 500 billion.

Speaker A:

That's right, billion.

Speaker A:

And he's going to give it the tax, tax credits for his friends.

Speaker A:

And you're not going to get your Social Security.

Speaker B:

I'm like, they, they all, all the programs, all.

Speaker B:

And I'll.

Speaker B:

I'll go with USAID or usa, whatever is that they.

Speaker B:

They're going to be aligned with the proper departments to oversee them instead of just this odd overflow of money that nobody has any responsibility.

Speaker B:

There's no oversight on it.

Speaker B:

It's just, it's just one of those money just flows out and nobody knows where it's coming from.

Speaker B:

So if you're funding programs for under, like a Health and Human Services, then have the Health and Human Services oversee that.

Speaker B:

Like it should be funneled out of the proper channels, right?

Speaker B:

Like it just makes no sense to fund something from USA that is clearly nothing to do with what it should be.

Speaker A:

All right, so here's the thing.

Speaker A:

So now Doge, the Department of In Government Efficiency goes into the Social Security office and this is what they find.

Speaker A:

Here's the age count of the people they are paying people.

Speaker A:

4,700,000 people from 100 to 109.

Speaker A:

Okay, I don't think we have 4 million people from 100 to 109, but 110, 119 people that are 110 to 119.

Speaker A:

3 million 627.

Speaker B:

I'm impressed with the people that are 220 to 229 years old.

Speaker B:

That's fucking amazing, man.

Speaker A:

1039 of them.

Speaker A:

Wait, there's one person that's between the ages of 240 and 249.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And then there's one person between ages 600, 360 and 369.

Speaker B:

All right, let's do.

Speaker A:

Now listen, I.

Speaker A:

Maybe they're aliens.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

Maybe this is the aliens.

Speaker A:

And maybe the aliens live up until 360 years old.

Speaker B:

So that person at 369 years old would.

Speaker B:

Had to have been born in:

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Are you kidding?

Speaker A:

I'm just saying.

Speaker B:

All right, they're reusing numbers and they're up numbers or they're just making up things to pad other people's pockets.

Speaker B:

And I really hope it's not that.

Speaker B:

I would like to stay on the happy side of.

Speaker B:

It's not.

Speaker A:

Somebody is getting paid, somebody's getting ripped.

Speaker A:

This is.

Speaker A:

There's so much, so much.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I don't even know.

Speaker A:

What the hell would you call it?

Speaker A:

I guess it's grift.

Speaker A:

So much grift going on.

Speaker B:

I know.

Speaker A:

Why is the highest from 30 to 39.

Speaker A:

I guess it's because that's the highest amount of people that have Social Security numbers.

Speaker A:

I don't know that.

Speaker B:

Is that the people getting paid out?

Speaker A:

I don't think so.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

There's not 39.

Speaker A:

There's not 52 million 30 to 39 year old getting Social Security.

Speaker A:

I think they're ones with Social Security.

Speaker A:

I don't know that.

Speaker B:

30 to 39.

Speaker A:

Active numbers.

Speaker A:

Active numbers.

Speaker A:

These are active numbers.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I thought it was paid.

Speaker B:

That's what I thought.

Speaker A:

No, I don't think they're getting paid.

Speaker A:

There's no way.

Speaker B:

Any money.

Speaker A:

All right, I just heard.

Speaker A:

I just heard the fuzziness now.

Speaker A:

I just heard the fuzziness.

Speaker A:

Damn it.

Speaker A:

What's going on here?

Speaker A:

I blame Streamyard.

Speaker A:

That's what I believe.

Speaker B:

Blame rode.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker A:

I'm blaming Streamyard anyhow, so you're stuck.

Speaker B:

With it for the year.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Thank you.

Speaker B:

I'm sorry.

Speaker B:

Pop says it's NSA listening in.

Speaker A:

Yeah, maybe.

Speaker A:

Could be.

Speaker B:

They have a van outside in your driveway?

Speaker A:

Yeah, it could be very much.

Speaker A:

Could very well be.

Speaker A:

All right, I want to see where I want to take this show next.

Speaker A:

All right, so Elon Musk, they're all freaking about him.

Speaker A:

They don't.

Speaker A:

They're so mad that they're shutting down this usaid, which is nothing but a.

Speaker A:

Just a place for the CIA.

Speaker A:

CIA to get money and move it all around and just so much waste.

Speaker B:

So many people profiting off of this.

Speaker B:

It's despicable.

Speaker A:

So the.

Speaker A:

So here's what happened.

Speaker A:

So not only did the people come out all right, and all of government like Liawatha and all these other.

Speaker A:

The guy from Swalwell, the Chinese spy fucker from California and everybody else that's out there and they're screaming about this and always get your Social Security number.

Speaker A:

Who's getting a.

Speaker A:

Before, like somebody's in charge of this and somebody has a Social Security number and.

Speaker A:

And Pete Heg, Seth Hegseth.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I got it right.

Speaker A:

Look at me.

Speaker A:

How about that?

Speaker A:

Right before.

Speaker A:

Right before he became the.

Speaker A:

Right before they confirmed him, Biden, the irs.

Speaker A:

Biden administration had him audited.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Amazing, right?

Speaker A:

All of a sudden, he gets audited.

Speaker A:

It's the first time he's ever been audited.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Yeah, so.

Speaker A:

And I'm like, again with the weaponization.

Speaker A:

It's okay when the Democrats do it.

Speaker A:

Nobody wants it.

Speaker A:

So not only do the Congress people come out and they're.

Speaker A:

Now the mainstream media is all up in his business, right?

Speaker A:

So they're all and they're ready to, you know, so they're out there and they're going to sit there and they're going to tell people, you know, what's going on.

Speaker A:

They're just.

Speaker A:

And the lies, I can't get over the lies.

Speaker A:

And don't you think that maybe sooner or later that they realize that they're destroying the reputation, which means people aren't going to watch anymore and they're not going to believe them and they're going to destroy their business.

Speaker A:

They don't care.

Speaker A:

They really don't care.

Speaker A:

So here's these two people.

Speaker B:

Ratings are down.

Speaker B:

It will eventually fade away, right?

Speaker B:

So these shows are just going to drift.

Speaker A:

So these two people were supposed to be.

Speaker A:

They just got laid off from USAID, right?

Speaker A:

So here's.

Speaker A:

This is 60 Minutes.

Speaker A:

This is 60 Minutes.

Speaker A:

Let me make sure this is.

Speaker A:

Let me make sure this is okay.

Speaker A:

So here we go.

Speaker D:

People are really scared.

Speaker D:

I think that, you know, 12 days ago, people knew where their next paycheck was coming from.

Speaker D:

They knew how they were going to pay for their kids daycare, their medical bills.

Speaker D:

And then all gone overnight.

Speaker A:

All gone overnight for Christina Dry and Adam Dubard, fired this month in the chaotic shutdown of foreign aid distributed by the U S.

Speaker A:

Agency for international development, USAID, more than 8,000 USAID employees were sent home by the administration.

Speaker B:

They're not looking for competency.

Speaker B:

They're not looking for if you're good at your job, they're looking for peer loyalty tests, and if you don't give it, you will be punished.

Speaker D:

And they had to leave the building.

Speaker D:

And these are folks who had decades and decades of public service serving USAID across administrations from George Bush to Obama to the first Trump administration.

Speaker D:

And they were never able to walk back in the building again.

Speaker A:

There was no process.

Speaker A:

No one explained to them why they were being relieved.

Speaker D:

To my knowledge, they received an email and then if they didn't leave the building, they were escorted out of the building.

Speaker B:

All right, to my knowledge.

Speaker B:

Meaning I don't know, but I made that up.

Speaker A:

Well, the reason she doesn't know is she doesn't work for usaid.

Speaker A:

She works for a company that is contracted with usai.

Speaker A:

So she did lose her job, but she doesn't work for them.

Speaker A:

She works for one of the places.

Speaker B:

She works for the contractor.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So go fuck yourself.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So then here's her.

Speaker A:

This is the same lady again.

Speaker A:

This time she's on ABC being interviewed and she's talking about that she knew this was coming.

Speaker A:

And you know, she had to prepare for this.

Speaker D:

People are really scared.

Speaker D:

And they had to leave the building and they were never able to walk back in the building again.

Speaker D:

Doge was in the building.

Speaker D:

We started.

Speaker D:

We took down our pride flags.

Speaker D:

We took down.

Speaker D:

I took out books I felt would be incriminating.

Speaker D:

No one was talking.

Speaker D:

We heard they started taking transcripts automatically of all of our Google Meets.

Speaker E:


Speaker D:

They unplugged the news in the little kitchen galleys.

Speaker D:

It didn't feel good.

Speaker D:

And then Saturday, all of the websites went down, and then I lost complete access to my computer.

Speaker D:

People are really scared.

Speaker A:

What's that?

Speaker B:

What books?

Speaker B:

Would you take out books she felt incriminating?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So the shit where you were stealing money or again, funneling something or just hiding your information.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Now this lady here, Christina dy, she deleted her ex account.

Speaker A:

Like, she's off social media.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's it.

Speaker A:

That we're done.

Speaker B:

You know what?

Speaker B:

The guy.

Speaker B:

The guy who's in charge of this owns that.

Speaker B:

He'll find you.

Speaker B:

He'll find you can delete whatever you think you can.

Speaker B:

They'll find you.

Speaker B:

Nothing's ever deleted off the Internet.

Speaker A:

Now, my favorite one, Tom says she.

Speaker B:

Is a punchable face.

Speaker A:

My favorite one now is Margaret Brennan.

Speaker A:

She is the new.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I mean, what's the one.

Speaker A:

I always say she's got resting face.

Speaker A:

Dana Bash and Christian Welker.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

She's out there now and she's.

Speaker A:

And what was the other one?

Speaker A:

Leslie Stahl.

Speaker A:

I love the way they get these.

Speaker B:

Leslie Stahl.

Speaker B:

Well, she's still hanging around.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I love the way that they.

Speaker A:

They just fall on the sword.

Speaker A:

They just do what they're told.

Speaker A:

Here she is again.

Speaker A:

I don't care, Margaret.

Speaker A:

I don't care.

Speaker A:


Speaker F:

Well, it sounded shirt.

Speaker F:

Pay attention to a lot of these allies, the United States, like, they were being described as adversaries or autocrats.

Speaker F:

It was really the.

Speaker F:

The focus here.

Speaker F:

Two things.

Speaker F:

One of them was migration.

Speaker F:

And the second was what Vice President Vance calls censorship.

Speaker F:

He was.

Speaker A:

Okay, so now she's talking about.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

vance goes to Germany and he's talking and he does a speech.

Speaker A:

I thought it was amazing.

Speaker A:

I thought speech was amazing.

Speaker B:

He called him out.

Speaker A:

He just said, hey, look, you know, we're worried about censorship, what's going on here.

Speaker A:

And also we're worried about the.

Speaker A:

The open migration policy here, which is.

Speaker A:

Which is basically decimating the United States.

Speaker B:

Look at England.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And other.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And other countries.

Speaker A:

France, Ireland, too.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So we're worried about immigration.

Speaker A:

And, and look at the way they spin it.

Speaker B:

It's diluting their votes.

Speaker B:

What it is, it's diluting the citizens votes.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I love, by allowing it like this.

Speaker A:

I love the key way the keyword so called.

Speaker F:

And the second was what Vice President Vance calls censorship.

Speaker F:

He was trying to bring that MAGA message of the enemy within to the global stage.

Speaker F:

And specifically he European leaders aren't showing that they have strong democracies when they sideline controversial groups.

Speaker F:

He went out of his way to meet with the head of the AfD, that's a political party that's under investigation in Germany because it's so far right and for potentially conducting extremism.

Speaker F:

And he, he mentioned that car ramming in Munich recently conducted by an Afghan migrant as an example of what he says is out of control migration.

Speaker F:

He says that's proof you've got to bring immigration skeptics into the government.

Speaker F:

Well, it sounds okay.

Speaker B:

Where is any of that incorrect?

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

This is what I'm saying.

Speaker B:

What is incorrect there?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So then she gets.

Speaker A:

So this is 60 Minutes and now they have some German people here and they're talking about censorship.

Speaker A:

Like she's like so called censorship.

Speaker B:

The Germans are going to talk to her about censorship.

Speaker A:

Okay, we do this before we.

Speaker A:

I will ask the questions.

Speaker G:

It's illegal to display Nazi symbolism.

Speaker G:

A swastika denied the Holocaust.

Speaker A:


Speaker G:

That's clear.

Speaker G:

Is it a crime to insult somebody in public?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Yes, it is.

Speaker G:

And it's a crime to insult them online as well?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

The fine could be even higher.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

If you insult someone in the Internet.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Because in Internet it stays there.

Speaker B:

If we are talking here face to face, you insult me, I insult you.

Speaker E:

Okay, finish.

Speaker B:

But if you're in the Internet, if.

Speaker A:

I insult you or a politician that sticks around forever.

Speaker B:


Speaker G:

The prosecutors explain German law also prohibits the spread of malicious gossip, violent threats and fake quotes.

Speaker G:

If somebody posts something that's not true and then somebody else reposts it or likes it, are they committing a crime?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

In the case of reposting, it is a crime as well because the reader can't distinguish whether you just invented this or just reposted it.

Speaker B:

That's the same for us.

Speaker G:

The punishment for breaking hate speech laws can include jail time for repeat offenders.

Speaker G:

But in most cases, a judge levies a stiff fine and sometimes keeps their devices.

Speaker G:

How do people react when you take their phones from them?

Speaker A:

They are shocked.

Speaker A:

They are shocked when we remove their.

Speaker B:

Devices and then we shock them again.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Okay, Right.

Speaker A:

And we're the Nazis.

Speaker A:

See, here in this country, hate speech is protected under free speech.

Speaker A:

Hate speech is free speech.

Speaker A:

Just saying.

Speaker B:

Tom says.

Speaker B:

So this is about stealing money and property.

Speaker A:

Pretty much.

Speaker A:

Look at them all smiling.

Speaker A:

Kind of punishment.

Speaker A:

If you lose your smartphone, it's even worse than the fine you have to.

Speaker G:

Pay because your whole life is typically on your phone.

Speaker A:

Now, not only that, it's like:

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Minus a lot more, but.

Speaker B:

So here's the kicker.

Speaker B:

Does it count for journalists, too?

Speaker A:

I would imagine it would talk people.

Speaker B:

On television who just blatantly spread misinformation.

Speaker B:

Basically a lie.

Speaker A:

So here is this Gestapo in Germany going after somebody who made a.

Speaker A:

A meme.

Speaker B:

You made a funny.

Speaker A:

This is not a funny meme.

Speaker G:

It's 6:01 on a Tuesday morning, and we were with state police as they raided this apartment in northwest Germany.

Speaker G:

Inside, six armed officers searched a suspect's home, then seized his laptop and cell phone.

Speaker G:

Prosecutors say those electronics may have been used to commit a crime.

Speaker G:

The crime?

Speaker G:

Posting a racist cartoon online.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God.

Speaker G:

At the exact same time.

Speaker G:

Are you coming across Germany?

Speaker G:

More than 50 similar raids played out part of what prosecutors say is a coordinated effort to curb online hate speech in Germany.

Speaker A:

It's not what it's doing.

Speaker B:

Fucking ridiculous.

Speaker A:

What it is doing.

Speaker A:

It is silencing the public is what this is doing.

Speaker A:

Thank God.

Speaker A:

Thank God.

Speaker B:

Speaking for you today.

Speaker A:

Thank God Trump won this election because this is where we were heading.

Speaker A:

And this is why the European.

Speaker A:

This is why Europe is pissed off at us.

Speaker A:

Because we still have our constitution.

Speaker A:

We are still trying to follow our constitution.

Speaker A:

Our people here, half of our people, are not sheep and believe in the Constitution.

Speaker A:

Freedom of speech.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I kill you.

Speaker B:

Here you go.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Oh, I don't even know what that says.

Speaker A:

I couldn't even.

Speaker B:

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer, whatever that means.

Speaker A:

Please translate that in English or we will boot you out of here.

Speaker B:

Like the Germans do.

Speaker A:

Like the Germans do.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So then again, our favorite Nazi, Margaret Brennan, she has on Marco Rubio on Face the Nation, and she tries to run this bullshit past him, and he's not having any of it.

Speaker F:

Well, he was standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide, and he met with the head of a political party that has far right views and some historic ties to extreme groups.

Speaker F:

The context of that was changing the tone of it.

Speaker F:

And you know that.

Speaker F:

That the censorship.

Speaker E:


Speaker A:

You love the way she says.

Speaker A:

And you know that.

Speaker A:

You know that, right?

Speaker A:

You know that what I say is true and then watch this beat down.

Speaker F:

Changing the tone of it.

Speaker F:

And you know that, that the censorship.

Speaker E:

Disagree with you specifically about the right.

Speaker E:

No, I have to disagree with you.

Speaker E:

Free speech was not used to conduct a genocide.

Speaker E:

The genocide was conducted by an authoritarian Nazi regime that happened to also be genocidal because they hated Jews and they hated minorities and they hated those that they had a list of people that hated, but primarily the Jews.

Speaker E:

There was no free speech in Nazi Germany.

Speaker E:

There was none.

Speaker E:

There was also no opposition in Nazi Germany.

Speaker E:

They were sole and only party that governed that country.

Speaker E:

So that's not an accurate reflection of history.

Speaker E:

I also think it's wrong.

Speaker E:

Again, I go back to the point of his speech.

Speaker E:

The point of his speech was basically that there is an erosion in free speech and intolerance for opposing points of view within Europe.

Speaker E:

And that's of concern because that is eroding.

Speaker E:

That's not an erosion of your military capabilities.

Speaker E:

That's not an erosion of your economic standing.

Speaker E:

That's an erosion of the actual values that bind us together in the transatlantic union that everybody talks about.

Speaker E:

And I think allies and friends and partners that have worked together now for 80 years should be able to speak frankly to one another in open forums without being offended, insulted, or upset.

Speaker E:

And I spoke to foreign ministers from multiple countries throughout Europe.

Speaker E:

Many of them probably didn't like the speech or didn't agree with it, but they were continuing to engage with us on all sorts of issues that unite us.

Speaker E:

So again, at the end of the day, I think that, you know, people give all that is a form in which you're supposed to be inviting people to give speeches, not basically a chorus where everyone is saying the exact same thing.

Speaker E:

That's not always going to be the case when it's a, a collection of democracies where leaders have the right and the privilege to speak their minds in forums such as these.

Speaker F:


Speaker F:

To her credit, she learned to.

Speaker B:

Say all of that.

Speaker A:

She did that.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker A:

Yeah, you're right, because then they're in.

Speaker B:

Her ear going, shut up.

Speaker B:

Right, you up.

Speaker B:

Shut up.

Speaker B:

Just let him get it over with.

Speaker A:

And he can, I like, I'm sorry, but I like Marco Rubio.

Speaker A:

I like him.

Speaker A:

He's a great secretary of State.

Speaker B:

I wasn't either in previous years.

Speaker B:

I was like, me, well, but I, he comes across, I, I appreciate his calmness.

Speaker B:

Like, I, I, I don't like when they're overly outraged.

Speaker B:

You know, I, I'd like, I appreciate his response.

Speaker B:

I thought it was A good.

Speaker B:

It was very good.

Speaker A:

So here he's talking about JD's speech.

Speaker E:

Why would our allies or anybody be irritated by free speech and by someone giving their opinion?

Speaker E:

We are, after all, democracies.

Speaker E:

The Munich Security Conference is largely a conference of democracies in which one of the things that we cherish and value is the ability to speak freely and provide your opinions.

Speaker E:

And so I think if anyone's angry about his word, they don't have to agree with him.

Speaker E:

But to be angry about it, I think actually makes this point.

Speaker E:

I thought it was actually a pretty historic speech, whether you agree with him or not.

Speaker E:

I think the valid points he's making to Europe is we are concerned that the true values that we share, the values that bind us together with Europe, are things like free speech and democracy and our shared history in winning two world wars and defeating Soviet communism and the like.

Speaker E:

These are the values that we shared in common.

Speaker E:

And in that Cold War, we fought against things like censorship and oppression and so forth.

Speaker E:

And when you cease backsliding and you raise that, that's a very valid concern.

Speaker E:

We can't tell them how to run their countries.

Speaker E:

We are.

Speaker E:

He simply expressed in a speech his view of it, which a lot of people frankly share.

Speaker E:

And I thought he said a lot of things in that speech that needed to be said.

Speaker E:

And honestly, I don't know why anybody would be upset about it.

Speaker E:

People are allowed, you know, you don't have to agree when someone's speech.

Speaker E:

I happen to agree with a lot of what he said.

Speaker E:

But you don't have to agree with someone's speech to at least appreciate the fact they have a right to say it and that you should listen to it and see whether those criticisms are valid.

Speaker E:

I assure you, the United States has come under withering criticism on many occasions from many leaders in Europe.

Speaker E:

And we don't go around throwing temper tantrums about it.

Speaker E:

Why would I?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Well, a little bit we do, maybe.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

I think I'm done with this one.

Speaker A:

All right, hang on to your horses here.

Speaker A:

I got to show you something which is amazing.

Speaker A:

And when I first saw this, I was like, holy shit.

Speaker A:

Hang on, I gotta.

Speaker B:

Tom says we don't throw temper tantrums.

Speaker B:

We start wars.

Speaker B:

Well, maybe potato patata, little ones.

Speaker A:

What do you want from me?

Speaker A:

All right, see this lovely young lady right here?

Speaker B:

Hold on.

Speaker A:

All right, see this lovely lady right here?

Speaker B:

Yep, yep.

Speaker A:

Watch this.

Speaker A:

This freaked me the fuck out.

Speaker A:

Because to be honest with you, if I'm looking at this lady right here, she's a fucking eight and a half to a nine.

Speaker A:

She's smoking hot.

Speaker A:

Here we go.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Yeah, I knew that one.

Speaker B:

So obvious.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

What the fuck?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

All right, now I've seen.

Speaker B:

I know that drag queen.

Speaker B:

I can't remember his name.

Speaker A:

Oh, really?

Speaker A:

This is a well known drag Queen.

Speaker B:

Yeah, from RuPaul.

Speaker A:

Very beautiful, stunning, stunning woman right here.

Speaker A:

And I'm like, okay, so I'm not.

Speaker A:

I'm paying attention.

Speaker A:

All right?

Speaker A:

Now all of a sudden, she cuts this thing off.

Speaker A:

Now, like, I'm like, oh, nice set of Nice tits.

Speaker A:

Nice, right?

Speaker A:

Takes that off.

Speaker A:

And then.

Speaker A:

I didn't even know they made these fucking things.

Speaker A:

All of a sudden, stands up and off comes the teds.

Speaker A:

I was like, what the hell?

Speaker B:

You were so sad.

Speaker B:

You're like, no.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I was horrified.

Speaker A:

I was horrified at the fact that this is a dude.

Speaker A:

And there was no way.

Speaker A:

No way.

Speaker B:

Plastique Tiara.

Speaker B:

That's who it is.

Speaker B:

Plastic is Plastique Tiara.

Speaker B:

And I've watched him on whatever season he was on for RuPaul.

Speaker B:

He is stunningly beautiful.

Speaker B:

It's that.

Speaker A:

Look at that.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I'm like, that is like, unattainably pretty, right?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And then all of a sudden, boom.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I'm like, what, What?

Speaker A:

What's happening here?

Speaker A:

I can't.

Speaker B:

The beginning.

Speaker B:

Because Sparky says it's on the tape.

Speaker B:

I didn't notice.

Speaker A:

Well, it is on the tape.

Speaker A:

I wasn't paying attention.

Speaker A:

Hold on.

Speaker A:

Oh, I'm at the wrong spot here.

Speaker A:

Hold on, let me get to it.

Speaker B:

You're busy looking at his tits.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

There you go.

Speaker A:

Oh, plastique.

Speaker B:

Oh, there you go.

Speaker A:

I thought it was just Sparky for.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Aren't you Sparky drag queen paying attention.

Speaker B:

Sparky nose is drag queen.

Speaker A:

This is.

Speaker A:

I'm like.

Speaker A:

Freaked me the fuck out.

Speaker A:

I'm not lying when I say I was like, holy shit.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's shocking now.

Speaker B:

I mean, RuPaul has some very pretty drag queens.

Speaker A:

I was like, yeah, blew my mind.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Blew my mind.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

He's so horny.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

How can you, like, thank God.

Speaker A:

Thank God I'm not a 20 something year old guy in the day.

Speaker B:

There are.

Speaker B:

Yeah, there are a few of RuPaul's drag queens that are like that.

Speaker B:

Like just so pretty, so slim.

Speaker B:

Like, some of them are like over the top, comical, like, dude looking right, dude dressed up.

Speaker B:

They still look good.

Speaker B:

But there's.

Speaker B:

You get the very feminine drag queens that they're Young.

Speaker B:

They're like.

Speaker B:

I think he was like 20, 22 when he was on.

Speaker A:

No Adam's apple whatsoever.

Speaker A:

No petite hands.

Speaker B:

Yeah, just dainty.

Speaker B:

Very delicate.

Speaker A:

Very delicate.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Dude, you gotten the ship beat out of him.

Speaker B:

If he was in high school with you, you ought to beat them to a pulse.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I'd want to.

Speaker A:

I'd like to say no, no, but yeah, because we.

Speaker A:

Listen, I was in high school in the mid-70s to the late-70s.

Speaker A:

We had a few well known out gay kids in school.

Speaker A:

Nobody attacked them.

Speaker A:

Nobody beat him up.

Speaker A:

He was in band and he was in the choir and he was in theater.

Speaker A:

Theater, right.

Speaker A:

He was in all.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he was in all that stuff.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And we knew who he was, you know, but we didn't, like, we didn't go try to beat the kid up.

Speaker A:

For what?

Speaker B:

First of all, I don't know.

Speaker A:

He was.

Speaker A:

First of all, he stayed in his lane.

Speaker A:

He knew.

Speaker A:

He never went after.

Speaker A:

He didn't.

Speaker A:

He never tried to turn somebody.

Speaker A:

Never tried to turn a straight gay John.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Listen, Bob, I don't give a fuck what you say, all right?

Speaker A:

I'll tell you something right now.

Speaker A:

You would have been all over that.

Speaker A:

And don't tell me you wouldn't.

Speaker A:

There's no way you could tell.

Speaker A:

I'm telling you right now, I'm gonna go back this thing again.

Speaker B:

I know, as soon as you put it up.

Speaker B:

But I've seen him.

Speaker B:

I've never seen a lady that stands.

Speaker A:

When I said when, when she.

Speaker A:

When he did this, when he was this and he stood up, I was like, holy shit, that's a smoking hot chick.

Speaker A:

You're a fucking liar if you don't think that this woman, man, whatever, would have turned your head.

Speaker A:

There's no way you would have.

Speaker A:

That's an attractive female.

Speaker A:

That's at least an eight and a half to a nine.

Speaker A:

Nine and a half.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

He's very pretty.

Speaker A:

God damn.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Yeah, I know, I know.

Speaker B:

Imagine being a woman and there's guys that look better.

Speaker B:

God damn.

Speaker A:

Yeah, but still, I'm the same from the very.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

It's sorcery is what it is.

Speaker B:

That's a lot of sorcery.

Speaker B:

I mean, the makeup is.

Speaker B:

He's really good at makeup.

Speaker B:

He dresses very fashionably and again, he's very petite.

Speaker B:

So it's to.

Speaker A:

No way you could tell.

Speaker B:

Enhancements and accoutrements that you need to be a woman.

Speaker A:

It's accoutrement something.

Speaker A:

I'll tell you that right now.

Speaker B:

It's a coochie something.

Speaker A:

It's a something.

Speaker B:

There's your episode title.

Speaker B:

Coochie something.

Speaker A:

Coochie something.

Speaker A:

And write that down.

Speaker A:

Coochie something.

Speaker B:

But says another layer to the jamingo onion is slowly peeled away.

Speaker B:

John likes the lady boys.

Speaker A:

How dare you?

Speaker A:

I do not like lady boys.

Speaker A:

That was a woman at first.

Speaker A:

That was a woman.

Speaker A:

And it transformed before your eyes until there was a horror when it went like this and the tits fell off.

Speaker A:

I was like, ah.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I physically, yeah.

Speaker A:

What happened to the tits?

Speaker A:

Where are the tits?

Speaker B:

Don't take those away.

Speaker A:

Are you shitting me?

Speaker B:

You're so sad.

Speaker B:

That's the funny part is you're like, oh, no, no, not though.

Speaker A:

I go back to this again.

Speaker A:

Like, I was like, oh, yeah.

Speaker A:

And then all of a sudden I'm like, well, what's that?

Speaker A:

How does that happen?

Speaker B:

I mean, look, it just falls off like a.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Wait, what's this?

Speaker A:

It's not fair.

Speaker A:

I'm telling you.

Speaker A:

It's just not fair.

Speaker B:

Tell me about it.

Speaker B:

Tell me about it.

Speaker B:

If I could put a rubber suit look that good, I would be fucking strapped up.

Speaker A:

It's horrible.

Speaker A:

Now, if you're listening to this as a podcast, you have to go back and watch this.

Speaker A:

You have to go back and watch this.

Speaker A:

I mean, well, just for this.

Speaker A:

I'll tell you what.

Speaker A:

There's not, unless you knew ahead of time that this would.

Speaker A:

I don't know what, Bruce.

Speaker A:

I don't know what I would do.

Speaker A:

I don't know what I would do.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's a sticky wicket right there.

Speaker A:

First of all, I would be like, oh, I would have to wash my mouth.

Speaker A:

I mean, I don't know how I would handle.

Speaker A:

Therapy would be involved.

Speaker A:

Therapy would be.

Speaker B:

Came off.

Speaker B:

The thought of Onlyfans was Puddrocker's not wrong.

Speaker A:

I was like, does this chick, this chick having OnlyFans?

Speaker A:

I'd like to check this.

Speaker A:

And then all of a sudden.

Speaker A:

Yeah, not the boobs.

Speaker A:

God damn.

Speaker A:

A fucking horror show.

Speaker A:

Never seen anything like it.

Speaker B:

It's like every.

Speaker B:

Every moment it's like, no, no, no, no.

Speaker A:

I was like.

Speaker A:

I was like, oh, okay.

Speaker A:

Oh, wow.

Speaker A:

Rock and bond.

Speaker A:

Look at that.

Speaker A:

That's very, very attractive.

Speaker A:

And then all of a sudden, the tits came off and there was a man underneath there.

Speaker B:

It's a man baby.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Where is Sparky Goes.

Speaker B:

It was at that moment.

Speaker A:

A man baby.

Speaker A:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker A:

It's a mad baby.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That a very really.

Speaker B:

It's shocking.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker B:

It's shocking.

Speaker B:

I'll send you a couple others that are beautiful.

Speaker A:

I don't need.

Speaker A:

I really don't.

Speaker B:

You're good.

Speaker A:

I was freaked.

Speaker A:

Look, I saw this thing, I'm like transformation.

Speaker A:

I didn't know.

Speaker A:

I was like, okay, well what we doing here?

Speaker A:

And then I was like, beef, it's what's for dinner.

Speaker A:

Now listen, I know you're going to sit here and call me half a fag because I thought that he.

Speaker A:

She was attracted.

Speaker B:

Very pretty.

Speaker B:

Very pretty.

Speaker A:

There's not one of you men there that would sit there and not know anything and salt that and like I would and said, damn, that's a very attractive.

Speaker A:

How dare you, John Gamingo.

Speaker A:

How dare you.

Speaker A:

God damn.

Speaker A:

That might be the title.

Speaker A:

John Gamingo.

Speaker B:

John Gaming.

Speaker A:

Hang on.

Speaker B:

Oh, all right, here's one from Bob.

Speaker A:

Yeah, Bob.

Speaker A:

You Bob.

Speaker A:

I know you would.

Speaker A:

His snatch is a fortune cookie.

Speaker A:

All right, I see you didn't read that.

Speaker B:

No, I did not.

Speaker B:

You can make her.

Speaker B:

Maybe the episode title is fortune cookie.

Speaker B:

Changing the subject now.

Speaker A:

All right, let's get into some boomer action, guys.

Speaker A:

Millennials, all right?

Speaker A:

Gen Gen X, Gen Z or not Gen X, Gen Z, Millennials.

Speaker B:

Oh yeah.

Speaker A:

Do not fuck with boomers.

Speaker A:

Especially boomer men.

Speaker A:

They are not.

Speaker A:

They're not.

Speaker A:

They do not get a kick out of your nonsense.

Speaker A:

And if you fuck around, you will find out.

Speaker A:

Reason I say that is here's two guys golfing and apparently they have one of those radio controlled cars and their balls are on the.

Speaker A:

The golfers balls are on the green.

Speaker A:

And here comes.

Speaker A:

Here comes the car to fuck with them.

Speaker B:

Oh yeah, they're using the car to like.

Speaker A:

They're using the car?

Speaker A:

Yeah, they're using the car.

Speaker A:

Move their balls to move the balls off the green.

Speaker A:

And the guys are not fucking happy, Bruce.

Speaker B:

So one of these you guys.

Speaker B:

I'm gonna go for two.

Speaker A:

I'm gonna go for two.

Speaker A:

It's really funny.

Speaker A:

I'm just gonna show you how funny it is.

Speaker A:

He took his golf club and destroyed the radio car.

Speaker A:

Hey, what are you doing, man?

Speaker A:

I'm teaching you a lesson, buddy, that's what I'm doing.

Speaker F:

Hey, let's get calmed down.

Speaker A:

You and your electronic.

Speaker F:

Calm down.

Speaker F:

The camera, it's not even on.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I hope it's very.

Speaker B:

Get back to golf.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

It is on.

Speaker A:

He says it's not even on.

Speaker B:

Pointing it at him.

Speaker A:

Here comes the gulf now.

Speaker A:

He's gonna try.

Speaker A:

You better get out of the way.

Speaker A:

Here we go.

Speaker A:

This guy's fast.

Speaker B:

He's still running, man.

Speaker A:

Guys are gonna get dual parts are.

Speaker B:

Chasing the out of those dorks.

Speaker B:

So they're frankly, they're lucky they didn't get hit with the club.

Speaker A:

That's right, because them old guys ain't around.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I would have smashed that.

Speaker A:

That exactly what happened.

Speaker B:

That would have been a form opportunity.

Speaker B:

Just right up.

Speaker B:

Speaking of Elon Musk, those grandpas were not happy.

Speaker A:

No, they were not.

Speaker A:

Speaking of Elon Musk, do you know that he just found.

Speaker A:

They just found out he has another baby mama.

Speaker A:

This motherfucker.

Speaker A:

I mean, this is insane.

Speaker A:

Okay, here we go.

Speaker B:

I mean, do they not know who they're fucking?

Speaker A:

Look, Elon, if I can give you any kind of advice.

Speaker A:

Talk about efficiency.

Speaker A:

Go get snipped.

Speaker A:

This is his 13th child with four different fucking women.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

You're from South Africa.

Speaker B:

He's like Tyree Kill.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he should be an NBA player.

Speaker A:

Jesus Christ.

Speaker B:

Oh, Bloodbugger says he's African American.

Speaker A:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker A:

Dude, go get your.

Speaker A:

Go get him snipped.

Speaker A:

Listen, I understand you want to dump a load in and you don't want to pull out and you don't like condoms.

Speaker A:

I get it.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

13 fucking kids.

Speaker A:

You're done.

Speaker A:

You're done.

Speaker A:

Ashley Slink Sinclair, influencer who claims to have had Musk's 13th child, reveals life of secrecy after whirlwind romance with down to earth billionaire.

Speaker B:

Okay, okay.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker A:

So here she is.

Speaker A:

She's a very attractive girl.

Speaker A:

She's 26.

Speaker B:

I bet her tits don't unzip.

Speaker A:

I bet you they don't either.

Speaker A:

All right, so she's 26 and she had a trist with Elon Musk who's 53.

Speaker A:

Okay, that's too much.

Speaker A:

It's too much.

Speaker G:

He don't care.

Speaker B:

He's not doing the work.

Speaker A:

I understand that, but come on.

Speaker A:

And again, this isn't going to.

Speaker A:

This is going to help his department.

Speaker A:

Like they're going to get in his ass for this too.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Clair practice the efficiency he's working on.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Clair asked to keep her son's name a secret, but revealed he is happy and healthy.

Speaker B:

Of course.

Speaker A:

My child is the most perfect thing that happened to me.

Speaker A:

I wouldn't change anything.

Speaker A:

Oh, of course not.

Speaker A:

You just a billionaire and you're set for life.

Speaker A:

She's set for life.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He's going to take care of this kid.

Speaker A:

He's got a couple mil to throw away.

Speaker A:

I'm just saying.

Speaker A:

Come on, dude.

Speaker A:

Sinclair broke the Internet Friday when she posted on X that she gave birth to Musk's baby five months ago.

Speaker A:

A revelation she said she was forced to.

Speaker A:

Forced to make due to prying tabloid reporters.

Speaker A:

She is a 26 year old showing her feet.

Speaker A:

Musk has not yet acknowledged the allegations and his reps did not respond to multiple requests for comment by the Post.

Speaker A:

He has made numerous unrelated posts on X since the alleged lover made the announcement.

Speaker A:

So again, this is going to be a thing.

Speaker A:

I'm sorry, but dude.

Speaker A:

And this is the ones we know about.

Speaker A:

What about the ones we don't know about?

Speaker A:

Your feeling on this?

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

She banged around with him like it's.

Speaker B:

It's the fuck around.

Speaker B:

Find out like.

Speaker B:

Yeah, but she knew who she was.

Speaker A:

I got this.

Speaker B:

But he wanted to get pregnant.

Speaker B:

Don't kid you.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

These gold digging whores are out there.

Speaker B:

Fucking gave it to her.

Speaker B:

He knows.

Speaker A:

I understand that.

Speaker B:

Well then if it's become.

Speaker B:

If it's an agreement between the two of them, who gives a shit?

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

Look, it's none of my business.

Speaker A:

He has plenty of money to pay her off and it's no big deal, but.

Speaker A:

Jesus Christ, dude, take.

Speaker A:

Take a hint.

Speaker A:

Go in snippy, snip, sit on a bag of frozen peas for a weekend and then you can go in and blow loads in as many hoses you want and not worry about it.

Speaker B:

You're not blowing anything at anybody.

Speaker B:

So I guess it still comes.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

You're just not throwing ropes.

Speaker A:

But I'm just saying you don't.

Speaker A:

It's baby batter without the babies in it.

Speaker A:

That's all.

Speaker A:

It's like diet cum.

Speaker B:

Did he banger Doge style?

Speaker A:

Doge style, maybe Doji style.

Speaker A:

There's another one.

Speaker A:

Doji style.

Speaker B:

Is that Gangnam Style?

Speaker B:

But yeah, yeah, I mean, not for nothing, if he's got this many kids, he should probably like maybe you think populating or maybe he's listening to JD Vance and you know, be fruitful and multiply.

Speaker A:

Yeah, but like there's three different.

Speaker A:

He's got four with one woman, three with another.

Speaker A:

That's seven now, this is 13.

Speaker A:

I don't even think they're spread around all over the country.

Speaker A:

How can you be a father to them?

Speaker B:

Oh, he's not sure.

Speaker B:

He's got the kooky one he brought to the fucking White House.

Speaker B:

The big rapper chain on and all that.

Speaker B:

Like, what was that?

Speaker B:

That's bizarre.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Okay, Tom.

Speaker B:

I know the quote comes from the Bible when I said be fruitful, multiply.

Speaker B:

I think Bob had put it in the comments.

Speaker B:

So that's why I was Acknowledging that.

Speaker A:

What did Tom say?

Speaker A:

What did Mr.

Speaker A:

Know it all say that?

Speaker B:

He says that quote comes from the Bible.

Speaker B:

I mean, I don't read it, but I.

Speaker B:

I'm pretty sure somebody.

Speaker B:

Oh, no, Bruce said it.

Speaker B:

So there.

Speaker B:

There you go.

Speaker B:

Be fruitful and multiply.

Speaker B:

There you go.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he's definitely that.

Speaker B:

Thank you, Tom.

Speaker A:

His swimmer's got strength, I'll tell you that.

Speaker B:

Yeah, well, everybody's immigrated in.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

All right, Got a couple minutes here?

Speaker A:

I want to talk about this something.

Speaker A:

A story that I saw, and it's talking about South Jersey sundown towns.

Speaker A:

So apparently there's a.

Speaker A:

A list of towns in New Jersey, South Jersey that are sundown towns.

Speaker A:

Now, sundown town, the definition, this is usually down in the south, back in the Jim Crow days and all, is a town where blacks have to be out by sundown.

Speaker A:

They're not allowed to stay there.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

They come in, they work, and then they leave.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

All right, so they say there's a lot of towns in New Jersey, South Jersey that are sundown towns.

Speaker A:

Now, I don't know if these towns.

Speaker A:

Two towns still are, but there's two towns near me that weren't sound.

Speaker A:

They weren't sundown towns.

Speaker A:

They were no blacks allowed towns.

Speaker A:

Oh, one was Gloucester and the other one was national park, which is the next town over for me.

Speaker A:

Oh, a reason.

Speaker A:

I know this was a black family bought a house in National Park.

Speaker A:

Could have been.

Speaker A:

I don't know how long.

Speaker A:

It could have been 10 years.

Speaker A:

Could have been 20 years ago.

Speaker A:

I don't remember how long it was.

Speaker A:

They bought the house.

Speaker A:

The town found out that there was a black first.

Speaker A:

First black family to move into National Park.

Speaker A:

The house was burnt down within a week.

Speaker A:

They burned it to the fucking ground.

Speaker A:

And the same thing in Gloucester.

Speaker A:

I don't even know if there's any blacks in Gloucester now, but for the longest time, wow.

Speaker A:

There was no blacks allowed to live in Gloucester.

Speaker A:

It was just an unwritten rule that you don't come in into this town.

Speaker B:

That's kind of gross.

Speaker A:

I understand.

Speaker A:

Now you would say, well, you know, there's crime and all that shit.

Speaker A:

No, no, national park, plenty of crime.

Speaker A:

Gloucester, plenty of crime.

Speaker A:

White crime.

Speaker A:

Like, in other words, I had a friend that lived in national park and his radio was stolen.

Speaker A:

And about, I don't know, three or four days later, this guy walks up to him, tries to sell him the radio out of his own fucking car.

Speaker A:

He's like, hey, you want.

Speaker A:

I got.

Speaker A:

I got this radio.

Speaker A:

You want to buy?

Speaker A:

It's like, $25.

Speaker A:

The guy looks at, he goes, it's my radio.

Speaker A:

He goes, oh, no, I bought this.

Speaker A:

This is out of my car.

Speaker A:

What the kid did when he put it in the car.

Speaker A:

When he put the radio in the car, he wrote on the bottom of it his name.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And he's like, yeah, well, there's my fucking name.

Speaker A:

And then he's like, give me that fucking radio.

Speaker A:

I'll punch you in the fucking head.

Speaker A:

So it's not like it was that.

Speaker A:

There's not crime in Gloucester and National Park.

Speaker B:

They're just really stupid.

Speaker A:

Just white crime.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Yeah, we.

Speaker A:

We like our.

Speaker A:

We like our crime like we like our rice.

Speaker A:

White, not brown.

Speaker A:

So stupid.

Speaker A:

I gotta be honest with you.

Speaker A:

I don't know to this day.

Speaker A:

If there is black families living in National Park.

Speaker B:

That would be a fantastic research piece.

Speaker A:

How do you go about that?

Speaker B:

Hey, just go right up to the mayor.

Speaker A:

Any N words living in national park now or what?

Speaker B:

That's how you start the conversation.

Speaker B:

You do in national park to look at the census.

Speaker B:

The census report, since they just did one.

Speaker B:

Was it, I guess:

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

I have no idea.

Speaker A:

But if there is very few and far in between, why would you.

Speaker A:

Again, that'd be like a white family moving into North Philly.

Speaker A:

It's just not.

Speaker A:

You're not.

Speaker A:

I don't know, whatever.

Speaker B:

Just not done.

Speaker A:

I don't think so.

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

Just saying.

Speaker A:

All right, are we.

Speaker B:

Is it gross in North Philly?

Speaker B:

Oh, North Philly I thought was South Philly.

Speaker B:

It was a dump.

Speaker A:

No, no.

Speaker A:

Here's the funny thing about South Philly.

Speaker A:

South Philly, there's neighborhoods like, you can go on one, you go like two or three blocks, it's all Italians.

Speaker A:

You cross the street, it's all black.

Speaker A:

Then Italians, then Germans, whatever.

Speaker A:

It's the.

Speaker A:

They stay in neighborhoods in South Philly.

Speaker B:

North Philly or whatever.

Speaker A:

Yeah, North Philly, it's all black.

Speaker A:

All black.

Speaker A:

So I don't.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Where's the Kensington part, which is the drug addicts.

Speaker B:

The drug addict area.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

That's what they show on TV all the time.

Speaker A:

It's north of Center City.

Speaker A:

Kensington is north of Center City.

Speaker A:

Not that far, but it's.

Speaker A:

It's actually.

Speaker A:

Kensington is part of Philadelphia proper.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's a shame.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

When I was there with Lisa, it was.

Speaker B:

It was sad.

Speaker B:

There's a ton of homeless people.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

A lot of people begging for money.

Speaker A:

A lot like Philadelphia.

Speaker B:

Like, I gotta start crossing the streets.

Speaker A:

And there's in Philadelphia, there's Grace Ferry, there's Port Richmond, there's Fishtown, there's Kensington.

Speaker A:

These are like all little suburbs.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Little communities within the city of Philadelphia.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Which is all part of Philadelphia proper.

Speaker B:

I still like the Philadelphia proper.

Speaker B:

I like the area.

Speaker B:

It's just sad that it's.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

You know.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I mean, living this close to Philadelphia and especially, you know, growing up and spent a lot of time in South Philadelphia.

Speaker A:

We used to go there for.

Speaker A:

To the bars, and then afterwards we'd go to the, you know, Pat Steaks.

Speaker B:

Gino Steaks clubs or whatever, you know.

Speaker A:

Go hang out in the Italian market and stuff like that.

Speaker A:

I worked in Center City for years, you know, in the elevator business.

Speaker A:

was there, and I was there in:

Speaker A:

Wow, that's.

Speaker A:

That's a long time ago, isn't it?

Speaker B:

14 years ago.

Speaker A:

14 years ago.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Yeah, it's crazy.

Speaker A:

All right, we ready to do some podcast shout outs?

Speaker B:

We can.

Speaker B:

We can do some podcast shoutouts.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

We have the Weather View with Bruce, Jason and Ken.

Speaker A:

I haven't been.

Speaker A:

I've been crazy busy here, so I haven't had a chance to be there in person, but I'll be listening.

Speaker B:

Yeah, they didn't have one today because of the President's holiday, so Bruce had the, you know, decided to, you know, sleep in and stay home and stuff.

Speaker B:

So, so rude.

Speaker B:

But my guess is there'll be one tomorrow morning.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And I had to say it with.

Speaker B:

Aaron Wheelbarrow, Full of dick with dicks with Mike Travis and Trunk.

Speaker A:

I'm interested in to see how he's making out with his new mixer.

Speaker B:

Have you asked him?

Speaker A:

I have not.

Speaker A:

I haven't had a chance to.

Speaker A:

Too busy trying to fix my own shit over here.

Speaker A:

Am I canceled with Edward and Katie Gooble?

Speaker A:

They're doing a new.

Speaker A:

They're doing a show where they're.

Speaker A:

They're actually doing a critique of a podcast, which I thought was pretty good.

Speaker A:

I really like that show now.

Speaker A:

The dynamic between Edward and Katie is really good.

Speaker A:

I really enjoy that part of it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, he plays off somebody else really well.

Speaker B:

Well, her I liked.

Speaker B:

I liked him as, you know, as a single podcast, but I like him with Katie better even than when he had other partners on.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I think Katie gives it right back to him.

Speaker B:

So I enjoy that.

Speaker B:

That combination.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it does.

Speaker A:

It works out pretty good.

Speaker A:

It's a.

Speaker A:

They're kind of.

Speaker A:

They have the Same kind of values.

Speaker A:

You know, they're that millennial.

Speaker B:

Yeah, they're young.

Speaker B:

Yeah, they're young millennials.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Go ahead.

Speaker A:

I'm sorry.

Speaker B:

Shitty song of the week with Red and Jody.

Speaker B:

I'll be on that on Thursday.

Speaker A:

Look at you.

Speaker B:

Look at me.

Speaker A:

Look at you going on that show again.

Speaker A:

They love you over there.

Speaker B:

What can I say?

Speaker A:

The TNA podcast with Jason Roach and Sam Hall.

Speaker A:

Now, they started.

Speaker A:

They found Bruce doing Twitter spaces and the other night they did one and it sounded actually.

Speaker A:

It actually sounded pretty good.

Speaker A:

Like they might be able to do some more of those.

Speaker A:

I was there.

Speaker A:

Dutchess was there.

Speaker A:

We had another lady.

Speaker A:

There was probably one of the fans.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And yeah, so that was kind of cool.

Speaker A:

Looking forward to some of that.

Speaker A:

Because they don't.

Speaker A:

They can't do the Internet thing because they live in, I don't know, Pennsylvy or some Ohio.

Speaker B:

But yeah, like in the middle of nowhere.

Speaker B:

So it's just where the Internet don't reach.

Speaker B:

So it's there, I guess until they get that resolved.

Speaker B:

Like spaces is probably a good way for them to do a live interaction.

Speaker B:

And then I guess they're working on it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Good on them.

Speaker B:

Shooting the shiznit with bt.

Speaker A:

Are you going on there soon?

Speaker B:

If he does those five.

Speaker B:

The five minute sessions, I think it might be next week.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

My Canadian buddies, I shake my head with Lisa and Sam, they're not too happy with me now because I'm a filthy American.

Speaker A:

And I was trying to tease Sam today about the hockey game and she wasn't having any of it.

Speaker A:

He's not very happy about this whole situation with Canada and the United States.

Speaker A:

I don't know what to tell you.

Speaker B:

They'll knuckle under.

Speaker B:

Knuckle under soon enough when they become the 51st state.

Speaker A:

I can't even.

Speaker A:

I can't even kid around with that shit.

Speaker A:

Not very happy about that whatsoever.

Speaker A:

Why do we.

Speaker B:

We don't need them as allegiance to the flag.

Speaker A:

Yeah, listen, I don't.

Speaker A:

I don't want to.

Speaker A:

I want to give them Vermont.

Speaker A:

I don't want them to become the 51st state.

Speaker A:

I want to take Vermont and give it to Canada and get rid of that filthy socialist Bernie Sanders.

Speaker B:

Yeah, no, they would love him.

Speaker A:

Yeah, they would.

Speaker A:

He'd fit right in there.

Speaker A:

The him and those patchouli hippies in.

Speaker A:

In Vermont.

Speaker A:

Them people.

Speaker B:

Isn't that the whole.

Speaker B:

The Ben and Jerry's people.

Speaker A:

Well, I know.

Speaker A:

I think.

Speaker A:

I can't remember where isn't Ben.

Speaker A:

I don't know where I thought they were made.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Is it Vermont?

Speaker B:

They're Vermont.

Speaker B:

Maine is Tom's toothpaste, I think.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Brand X podcast with Deuce Joe and that John Jamingo guy.

Speaker A:

Gotta finger out.

Speaker A:

Finger out.

Speaker A:

Gotta figure out.

Speaker B:

You'd have to ask Deuce first.

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

He'll go for that, though.

Speaker A:

To finger out when we're doing the next Brand X podcast.

Speaker A:

I haven't looked at the.

Speaker A:

I haven't looked at the schedule yet.

Speaker A:

Figure that out.

Speaker A:

I'm moving the studio around again because remember when Deuce said move this thing over where you could put four mic?

Speaker A:

I'm doing that.

Speaker A:

I'm listening to Deuce and moving shit around so that.

Speaker A:

That'll work.

Speaker A:

I think we'll see what happens.

Speaker B:

Well, play around with it.

Speaker B:

Bob says he'll fly up for the next Brand X.

Speaker A:

He's a liar.

Speaker B:

He will.

Speaker B:

Your tease.

Speaker A:

Oh, it's me, the old.

Speaker B:

I'm just gonna let it sit.

Speaker A:

The old man's podcast with Jim, not Tom.

Speaker B:

Now, apparently I'm.

Speaker B:

I'm a.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I'm sorry, Jim.

Speaker A:

It's one minute, one hour and 25 minutes ago.

Speaker B:

I'm sorry.

Speaker B:

I'm sorry.

Speaker B:

No, I.

Speaker B:

I own that.

Speaker B:

That's bad.

Speaker B:

So I tuned in today there.

Speaker B:

They broadcast, I guess, stream on Podbean and I was able to bop in this morning and chit chat with them for a little bit.

Speaker B:

I wanted to interact more, but I couldn't do more than the chat, so.

Speaker B:

But it was nice to chat with them again and they're a fun.

Speaker B:

Listen, it's a.

Speaker B:

It's a nice, you know, family.

Speaker B:

It's a friendly kind of podcast.

Speaker A:

They're not this show.

Speaker A:

They're not this show.

Speaker B:

But it's a little opposite of what we do.

Speaker A:

Kind of sort of.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Oh, who's right?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Okay, There you go.

Speaker A:

Let's talk about those stickers.

Speaker B:

We are.

Speaker B:

We're going to talk about these stickers.

Speaker B:

So I've had some outreach, so thank you to all who messaged me.

Speaker B:

Your John's got some too.

Speaker B:

So thank you to all who messaged me.

Speaker B:

Your address.

Speaker B:

I will have no mail today, so I have a few going out this week, so they'll.

Speaker B:

And if you'd like, once you get them, if you put them on something, send us a picture.

Speaker B:

We'll share it in our socials.

Speaker B:

I'll throw it in our stories and stuff.

Speaker A:

Our stories.

Speaker B:

Our story.

Speaker B:

Why not?

Speaker B:

John, what do you have sitting next to you on your desk?

Speaker A:

Oh, well, Mike from wheelbarrowful Dick says, oh, you need this for the studio.

Speaker A:

I thought this was like a regular size, like, street sign.

Speaker A:

So I go on Amazon, I buy it.

Speaker A:

It takes like a week to get here.

Speaker A:

I guess it took a slow boat from China.

Speaker A:

And it's around the street and find out Boulevard.

Speaker A:

So this thing shows up.

Speaker A:

I pick it up, like, what the fuck am I gonna do?

Speaker A:

I can wear this on top of my head.

Speaker A:

Look how small it is.

Speaker B:

Street sign for ants.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I said it right here.

Speaker B:

There you go.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Which one's that?

Speaker A:

Around Street.

Speaker A:

There it is.

Speaker B:

Well, it matches your sign behind you, so it's not too bad, I guess.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

If I'd have known it, I guess I should have paid attention to the size of it.

Speaker A:

For some reason.

Speaker A:

I thought it was like the.

Speaker A:

Like a street sign.

Speaker A:

Street sign.

Speaker B:

Do they say the descript in the description?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

If they did, you know they did.

Speaker A:

They probably did.

Speaker B:

So Bob says it's for your ho scale.

Speaker A:

Yeah, kind of, sort of.

Speaker B:

It's about right about.

Speaker A:

It's all really left, so.

Speaker A:

All right, everybody.

Speaker A:

We will be back Thursday.

Speaker A:

That's what we do here, and that.

Speaker B:

Is what we do.

Speaker A:

If you want to hang out with us, we do the 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time.

Speaker A:

We're on X Rumble, Facebook, Twitch.

Speaker A:

There's another one.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

There we go.

Speaker A:

The YouTubes.

Speaker A:

On the YouTubes.

Speaker A:

You know what?

Speaker B:

I should write that on the YouTubes.

Speaker A:

On the Youtubes.

Speaker A:

You know what I should do?

Speaker A:

I should write that shit down.

Speaker B:

Yeah, or you could call us.

Speaker B:

Do you know the number, John?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Good job.

Speaker A:

Look at me.

Speaker B:

So proud of you.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker B:

Good boy.

Speaker B:

Got the phone number?

Speaker B:

I'm not reading that number, Tom.

Speaker B:

That will never come off the Internet if I read that number.

Speaker A:

How dare you?

Speaker B:

How dare he writes it or how dare I don't read it.

Speaker A:

How dare you not read it.

Speaker A:

I need.

Speaker B:

I'll read it if you'd like.

Speaker A:

I need it for my.

Speaker A:

I need it for my.

Speaker B:

I need it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

You can call us at 1-800-SPANK ME.

Speaker A:

You know what?

Speaker A:

I didn't get a chance to.

Speaker A:

I was supposed to.

Speaker A:

Where is this?

Speaker A:

I was supposed to get this one thing for Duchess to read.

Speaker A:

The name of the book was.

Speaker B:

There's so many.

Speaker B:

I have people, like, screenshot them to me at this point.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out which one it is.

Speaker A:

She had it on here, and I meant to get it and I didn't have enough time.

Speaker A:

We'll do it.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah, here it is.

Speaker A:

The book is called Becky the Throat Goat.

Speaker B:

It was so funny.

Speaker A:

Can't wait for Duchess to read that.

Speaker A:

Maybe we'll do that Thursday.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God.

Speaker B:

How to Read a Book.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

There we go.

Speaker A:

All right, everybody, I think that's it.

Speaker A:

I think we're out of here.

Speaker A:

Thank you for showing up.

Speaker A:

And thank you.

Speaker B:

Send us a text or a voicemail.

Speaker B:

Leave us a voicemail.

Speaker A:

You won't, but it's worth a try.

Speaker B:

All right, we can ask, but they won't.

Speaker A:

Talk to you later.

Speaker B:


About the Podcast

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Boomer Bunker

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About your hosts

Profile picture for John Jamingo

John Jamingo

John Jamingo, co-host of Boomer Bunker, is a character with a rich history of colorful stories, insightful opinions, and a fair share of rebellious antics. He brings a blend of humor, nostalgia, and directness to the podcast, often sharing personal anecdotes from his past that range from mischievous teenage exploits to his experiences as an elevator mechanic. Jamingo has a candid approach to discussing various topics, whether it’s debating societal issues or reacting to outrageous news stories. His willingness to confess to his past missteps, coupled with his straightforward demeanor, makes him relatable to many listeners. John often reflects on the contrasting generational behaviors and attitudes, bringing a bit of the 'old school' perspective to the show's dynamic exchanges with Duchess, the other host of Boomer Bunker.
Profile picture for The Duchess of NJ

The Duchess of NJ

The Duchess, also known simply as Duchess, is one of the spirited hosts of the Boomer Bunker podcast. She is known for her engaging conversations, heartfelt anecdotes, and the occasional burst of emotion. Duchess brings a relatable touch to the show with stories from her personal life, adding both depth and humor to the episodes. A proponent of healthy habits, Duchess also shares her progress in the 2024 mileage quest, adding a motivational aspect to her role on the podcast. Her interactions with listeners and co-host John Jamingo create a dynamic that captivates the audience, making her an integral part of the Boomer Bunker's success.